What conclusion did the ancient sages of India reach about the origin and control of everything?


The authority we turn to are the great ancient sages of India. Knowing the questions above would arise in the minds of thoughtful men, the great sages recorded the transcendental procedure in order for all to know the answer to all questions. After their extensive research and scrutiny of the revealed scriptures, they agreed and reached the conclusion that the Supreme Lord created and controls everything. As the Ṛgveda states, dyāvā bhūmi janayan deva ekaḥ: “The Supreme Lord is one and He created everything, including the earth and outer space.” Through the correct process even those who have doubt and those of argumentative character can perceive the creator, maintainer, and annihilator of everything. All must come to know that everything has come from the Lord, or face the lethal consequences—birth and death.

There are two sides to everything in this world, as there is birth, there is death. Therefore we can understand that if this world is temporary, there must be a world where everything is permanent. Atheistic people believe that everything has come into existence by itself and that there is no generator behind this creation. If this is the case, as is prevalent in modern science, then there should only be a one sided function of creation. Yet we see destruction everywhere, from the decay of huge mountains through erosion, to our own bodies. But as nothing is permanent and unchanged in this world and everything is destroyed at some point, therefore we must understand that this a relative world where every action has a reaction. Through this reasoning everything must have come from something, and must end in something. That something is the Supreme Being, the creator behind this creation who controls everything. Even the most atheistic of men swallow their pride and call out to the Lord when there is a threat of death, for even the atheist knows death is surely coming, and maybe all is not over after death.


Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, Volume 1, from Introduction, Page 1


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