What is real knowledge?


Real knowledge is Vedic knowledge. Modern education is not accepted as knowledge because it doesn’t help improve the soul. Anything learnt that helps the soul improve is called knowledge and Vedic knowledge does that. When a person uses knowledge in their spiritual practice it is called realized knowledge and on this platform the person does not get disturbed. As stated in the Chāndogya Upaniṣad, yathā puskara palāsa āpo na śliṣyate evam eva viddhi pāpaṁ karma na śliṣyate, “Just as the leaf of a lotus flower, although in water, isn’t affected by it; similarly a person with realized knowledge isn’t affected by sinful activities.” The Etareya Upaniṣad states, tad yathaiśika tūlam agnau protaṁ pradūyetaivaṁ hāsya sarve pāpmanāḥ pradūyante, “Just as cotton ignited by fire turns to ashes; similarly the sins of a person who has realized knowledge turns to ashes.” Confirming this the Vedānta Sūtra states, tad adhigama uttara-pūrvāghayor aśleṣa vināśau tad vyapadeśāt, “The Vedic scriptures confirm that when a person is able to realize the Supreme through spiritual practice all the sins of their present and past life turn to ashes.” One may wonder if a person has to practice spiritual life after they reach the platform of self-realization. In answer the Sauparṇa Upaniṣad states, mūta api hy enam upāsate, “Even those who have reached the platform of self-realization practice spiritual life.” The Vṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad states, sarvadainam upāsīta yad vimuktiḥ, “Spiritual life must be practiced continuously until liberation from this material world is obtained.”


Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, 11.7.10, Volume 13, Page 287


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